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Signs of Courage is a public art project that features signs with positive and inspiring messages, designed by sixth-grade students. 

Video Editing by Jorge Davies, Graphics by Melissa Sabol


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38 art signs out of 509 on display at 29 Palms Community Center Freedom Plaza Square throughout September

Collaborative Public Art Project  |  September 2023 - June 2024   |  MUSD Elementary Students

Special yearlong student art project funded by California Arts Council


Signs of Courage is a public art project created by Morongo Unified School District elementary students in collaboration with Groundwork Arts teaching artists. Sixth-grade students created hundreds of art signs with encouraging messages in response to the challenging issues they face. Thirty-eight signs were selected to be reproduced as large-scale, street signs. These signs featuring positive, powerful and heartfelt messages will be temporarily installed at the 29 Palms Freedom Plaza for our entire community to view. 

This public art installation, a screening of the short film documenting this year-long project, and the award ceremony will take place on September 7th at 11am. See below for details.

During the 2023-24 school year, Groundwork Arts taught 725 art classes at 11 school sites to 2899 students each month, employed 15 artists, featured 4 artists, produced 10 art videos, and created 509 signs, 2 exhibitions, and 1 public art installation.



Rhonda Coleman

Rhonda Lane Coleman

Kait Bretz.jpg

Kait Bretz


Devino Tricoche


Melissa Sabol


Claudia Bucher

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Margeaux Walter

Meg Shannon

Meg Shannon

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Wendy Hunt

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Marcia Winn

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Heather Sprague

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Jen Shakti

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Jorge Davies

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Tayler Straziuso

Sarah LaChance Photo.JPG

Sarah LaChance

Jacobine van der Meer

Jacobine Van Der Meer

Rhonda Coleman

Rhonda Lane Coleman


Melissa Sabol

Meg Shannon

Meg Shannon

Heather Sprague.jpeg

Heather Sprague

Jorge Davies.jpeg

Jorge Davies

Sarah LaChance Photo.JPG

Sarah LaChance

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Kait Bretz

Jen Shakti.jpg

Jen Shakti


Devino Tricoche


Claudia Bucher

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Tayler Straziuso

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Margeaux Walter

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Wendy Hunt

Jacobine van der Meer

Jacobine Van Der Meer

Marcia Winn.JPG

Marcia Winn

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Steve Poltz

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James O'Keefe

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Gerald Clarke

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Shari Elf



All Students  |  First Four Months

Each season, Groundwork Arts introduces TK - sixth grade students to artists, develops unique art projects inspired by those artists, and employs teaching artists to work directly with the students. The theme for the 2023-24 school year, SIGNS of COURAGE, inspired a range of visual art projects that allowed students to express significant ideas through messaging, graphic imagery, typeface, color and shape. 

Projects included:

  • Spill It: Art Journals

  • Make Your Mark: Foam Printmaking

  • Shape of Color: Abstract Painting

  • Typeface: The Art of Letters

  • Quirky Characters: Illustrated Patches

    Projects 1-5 from Season 5


All Students  |  All Year

Art journaling, an important practice among artists who work in many mediums, provides a powerful, and versatile platform for personal expression and creative experimentation. At the beginning of the year, all students were supplied with materials to create their own Art Journals. These journals provided a personal, judgment-free space for inspiration and emotional expression.

Art Journal Project

Filming by Tallulah Coleman, Editing & Graphics by Melissa Sabol


All Students  |  All Year

The ThoughtBox was a year-round initiative where students anonymously shared their thoughts, feelings, and concerns. These submissions were categorized by our teaching artists into common themes and presented to the sixth graders for discussion. The sixth graders then used these insights to craft positive, resonant messages for their art signs.


6th Graders  |  Oct 2023 - May 2024

Sixth-grade students attended one extra art class each month, where teaching artists helped students apply important lessons to the development of their art signs. Sixth graders deepened their understanding of visual communication through lessons on the power of symbols, the emotional impact of colors, and the influence of typeface and graphics. These student-centered classes emphasized self expression, collaboration and community building, empowering students to lead a significant public art initiative. 

As part of the public art process, the entire student body and staff voted for the most compelling signs. Thirty-eight signs were selected by their peers, teachers, and Groundwork Arts staff to be made into large outdoor signs to be presented in this temporary installation.


Students also had the opportunity to share their artwork in two public exhibitions with community partners. In January 2024, a selection of paintings from the Shape of Color: Abstract Paintings project was presented at the 29 Palms Visitor Center through the Public Arts Advisory Committee. And in April 2024, hundreds of illustrated patches from the Quirky Characters: Illustrated Patches project were presented at the Joshua Tree National Park Black Rock Art Gallery.

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September 7, 2024  |  11am - 12pm  |  29 Palms Community Center  |  Freedom Plaza

​We will celebrate our students and the Signs of Courage project on September 7, 2024, with the unveiling of thirty-eight signs at the 29 Palms Farmer’s Market from 8 AM to 1 PM, followed by an awards ceremony and the premiere of the documentary short film at the 29 Palms Community Center at 11 AM. The selected signs will be displayed at Freedom Plaza Square throughout September, celebrating the students' achievements.

A special thanks to the City of Twentynine Palms, California for supporting this temporary installation and to all of our community sponsors who provided prizes for our winning students.

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Groundwork Arts selected the top 3 signs based on the best overall design. 


8 Signs were selected to be stickers. 


Each school's entire student body and staff voted at the end of the school year. Here are the results.



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Finalists from each school were voted on at the end of the school year by the entire student body and staff at each school. Take a peek at the finalists below.

Condor Elementary - Finalists

Friendly Hills Elementary - Finalists

Joshua Tree Elementary - Finalists

Landers Elementary - Finalists

Morongo Valley Elementary - Finalists